Below are basic guidelines for those wishing to earn their counseling certification in Wisconsin. Most of these requirements, such as earning your Master’s degree, completing 3000 hours of supervised experience and passing the Clinical Mental Health Counseling examination, are likely to continue to be mandatory in the Wisconsin counseling licensure process. However, it is wise to contact the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing at (608) 266-2112 to make sure you are on the right track.
I’m a High School Graduate
To create a proper knowledge base necessary to successfully help your clients takes many years and consistent motivation. To treat each client as an individual with all one’s attention and employ all availabe resources and skills takes initiative and caring.
As a high school graduate researching Wisconsin counseling certification requirements, you’re showing motivation and initiative. Whether caring for your clients is a virtue you possess is a question only answered with time and experience. Since Wisconsin counseling licensure requires all applicants to possess a minimum of a master’s degree, you have some time to learn whether a career in counseling is right for you. So, the first thing you should be doing is to learning how you can enroll in a college degree program.
You can either begin by enrolling in an associate’s degree program or enrolling immediately in a four year bachelor’s degree program.
Click on the links below to browse schools offering psychology and counseling degree programs!
Once you have enrolled in a program, take advantage of your school’s career services department and learn how you can find employment or volunteer opportunities that are related to the counseling career path.
Already Received Bachelor’s Degree
Almost there! Wisconsin counseling licensure requires all candidates to possess a master’s level of education in counseling or a related field. Request information from additional Wisconsin Counseling Schools to get started.
Step One:
Earn 3000 hours of supervised professional work experience in a period of no less than 2 years. More details about the hourly experience requirements and qualifying supervisors are available in the Adminstrative code on the following Wisconsin Legislature webpage.
Note: This information can be difficult to find. In the left-hand navigation, under the “Administrative Code”, click on the “+ more” link. A list of more career types and examining boards should appear. Click on the “Marriage and Family Therapy, Counselors and Social Workers” link, then the “MPSW 12” link to find supervisory experience and supervisor mandatory qualifications information.
In addition, you may download supervised experience forms here.
Step Two:
Now, you can submit a Wisconsin counseling licensure application to the Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing. Include all supporting forms and necessary fees. You may download the application here.
Step Three:
Once the Department has received your application, they should send you an application to take the National Counselor Examination (NCE). In addition to the national exam, it is important to take and pass the state-administered Jurisprudence exam.
Information about the NCE is available on the NBCC website. Request information about the jurisprudence examination by contacting the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation & Licensing at (608) 266-2112.