New Mexico Psychology Colleges/Schools

Expedite your journey toward a higher education – NM Psychology Programs

At just under $44,000 per year, the average salary for a New Mexico mental health counselor tops the national average of $39,450 by almost $5,000. With additional opportunities for pay increases such as earning a PhD or beginning your own practice, it’s no wonder why New Mexico psychology colleges are having a difficult time accomodating the increasing volumes of applicants.

New Mexico psychology school graduates are enjoying increased job opportunities as well. The demand for psychology professionals typically increases as the overall level of education of an area increases. Much of New Mexico’s increase in psychology professionals over the last decade can be attributed to this phenomena. However, the economic crisis beginning in 2008 has added fuel to the fire. With greater talk of change and reform, psychology professionals have been in high demand to help with business and government solutions. In addition, the psychological fallout of those under heavy stress has added to the workload of mental health professionals as well.

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